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Obama to Voters: Can’t Think of a Single Abortion I Would Restrict

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Wisconsin Right to Life and all other right-to-life groups have been working hard to get voters to understand that President Obama, by word and deed, favors unlimited abortions. No restrictions.

John McCormack of The Weekly Standard asked top officials in the Obama campaign whether Obama really supported abortion with no restrictions. McCormack reports that “top; Obama officials Jim Messina, Stephanie Cutter and David Axelrod could not name a single restriction the president supports.”

Here is the exchange as reported in

TWS: Mr Messina, the issue of abortion came up tonight with both sides trying to paint the other as extremist. Can you say, are there any restrictions that the president supports at any stage of pregnancy on the issue of abortion?

MESSINA: Look, we have been absolute[ly] clear. I think as you saw an absolute difference between the president and Romney on this. Romney’s position has been on four different sides. But I take him at his word that he says he will be happy to sign a bill outlawing all abortions in the United States of America. That’s not our position that’s not where the American public is. And I think it’s going to be a very difficult position for them to defend in the battleground states. Swing women voters in places like Colorado in Virginia looked at that exchange tonight that you talked about and said we cannot support this guy.

TWS: So the president doesn’t support any restrictions on abortion?

MESSINA: Look, we’ve been very clear. You know our position on abortion.

TWS: No. I asked, can you say what it is?

MESSINA: Look, don’t put words in my mouth. I’ve been very clear about our position. And that’s what it is.

TWS: Can you name one restriction?


Obviously, Messina wanted no part of this questioning because he knows there is no answer. The President absolutely supports abortion with no restrictions.

Barbara Lyons

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