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Obama Administration Scrambles as Abortion Funding Revealed

The Obama Administration and Rep. Bart Stupak called National Right to Life a liar for exposing plans to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions under high-risk insurance pools created under Obamacare in Pennsylvania and New Mexico. Now, they are scrambling for cover.

Initially, an HHS mouthpiece claimed that the high-risk programs wouldn’t cover abortions. Now, HHS is backtracking, essentially admitting the National Right to Life claim is true and stating the administration will make certain that the programs do not fund abortions.

Well, this move has Planned Parenthood in a huff. PP President Cecile Richards says PP is “deeply disappointed that the administration has voluntarily and unnecessarily decided to impose limits on private funds used to purchase health insurance coverage for abortion care in the new high-risk insurance pools.” As usual, PP distorts the issue. There are no “private funds” involved in these programs, only federal tax dollars are used.

NARAL president, Nancy Keenan, is even more distressed. “To our dismay, the Obama administration just announced it will exclude abortion coverage in the temporary health-insurance pools that will transition us into the new health-care system. I am outraged that such a decision would come from a pro-choice president that we helped elect.”

Kudos to National Right to Life for exposing the plan.

Barbara Lyons

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