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Pro-Abortion Tom Barrett Wants People to Call Him – Let’s Do It!

Charlie Sykes’s blog yesterday tells us that pro-abortion Democrat Tom Barrett, who wants to be Wisconsin’s next governor, is asking people to call him.

I say, let’s do it!

Barrett has a horrendous voting record on right-to-life issues from his years in the state legislature and the U.S. House. Among the “highlights” of Barrett’s record:

  • voting to keep the hideous late-term partial-birth abortion procedure legal
  • voting against legislation to make it a federal crime to transport a minor girs across state lines to obtain a secret abortion without her parents’ knowledge or consent.
  • And so many more awful votes on right-to-life issues!

Here is part of Barrett’s invitation to call:

“That is why I am excited to announce a new feature called SayNow that allows you to call me directly and share your ideas for moving Wisconsin forward. So give me a call at 414-395-1855 and tell me your thoughts on what we can do to create jobs and change the way Madison works.

As I travel to Watertown, Beaver Dam, and Oshkosh today, I’ll be responding to several of your calls and posting updates through my SayNow number at 414-395-1855….

Thank you for your support,

Tom Barrett

So, how about it?!!!! Give Barrett a call and maybe ask him about his vote in favor of partial-birth abortion and why he doesn’t trust the parents of Wisconsin to support their pregnant minor daughters? He did say he wants to hear from us, didn’t he?

I just called and asked those very questions. My message was recorded … and apparently, Barrett is supposed to call back with a response. We’ll see.

Let us know if you get a callback from Barrett.

Sue Armacost

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