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Educational Activities

Awarded 8 Emergency Grants ($5,619 total) to pregnant women in immediate financial crisis so they could choose life for their babies.

Awarded 12 grants to pregnancy centers to upgrade their centers and improve client services ($18,000 total).

Reached women inside abortion clinics using polygoning technology and continue messaging for up to four weeks. In 2021, 16,746 women went to a pregnancy resource center after seeing our ads.

Hosted bi-monthly Zoom conferences with pregnancy center directors focused on sharing resources and building best practices.

Organized first pregnancy center educational track at State Conference.

Hosted pregnancy center directors and staff to an end-of-year thank you luncheon.

Using advanced technology, we reached women on all college campuses in Wisconsin with targeted pro-life messages, and were able to show them similar messages for up to four weeks.

Held the Education Fund Dinner with special guest speaker Tim Tebow.

Published four editions of the Life Voice newsletter, and one edition of the Veritas Insider newsletter.

Valere Circle

Welcomed a record number of families, businesses and foundations to the Valere Circle, with 85 members.

Continued building personal relationships by making more than 1700 phone calls, starting 373 email conversations, and hosting 35 personal meetings with donors.

Hosted a live annual report, the Report to Donors, presented by the Valere Circle, for the second year, by video call.

Teen & College Outreach

Continued the Teen Impact Box program, reaching 350 teens with free, informative subscription boxes several times a year.

Awarded 14 grants to college students to start or continue Life on Campus groups at their colleges and universities.

Held Teen Impact Camp with 35 campers.

Held first annual Teen Impact Live event with 50 students.

Chapter & Region Activities

Sponsored the WRTL State Conference, as well as regional meetings.

Funded newspaper advertisements around the state.

Sponsored the Chicago March for Life Moving the Movement Tour stop in Madison, WI.

Held local events to share more information on WRTL with Wisconsinites.

Sponsored showings of Unplanned and Roe v. Wade across the state.

Helped support pregnancy resource centers in local communities.

Reached thousands of pro-life advocates through our vendor booth at Lifest Music Festival.

Educated hundreds of people about pro-life topics through our educational booth at the Wisconsin State Fair.

Social Networking, Websites, & Emails

Posted compelling and educational updates for our followers on social media, including 15,200 Facebook friends, 3,690 Twitter followers, and 1,550 Instagram followers.

Attracted over 31,000 visitors to the Wisconsin Right to Life website,

Helped 30,800 Wisconsin women find a pregnancy resource center close to them through

Saw 18,300 people click on one of our Google Ads to get help finding a pregnancy center.

Published numerous blog posts, press releases, and news articles at

E-mailed thousands of Life Voice Online e-newsletters each Monday morning.

Legal Activities

Met with leading pro-life lawyer Jim Bopp regarding ‘heartbeat legislation’ and other legal strategies to defend life in Wisconsin.

Provided recommendations to legislators for right-to-life legal experts.

Election & Voter Education

WRTL-endorsed candidates won open seat on Wisconsin Court of Appeals, and in special elections in the Assembly and Senate.

Sent over 37,000 emails in support of WRTL-endorsed candidates.


Championed passage of three life-affirming bills in the Assembly and Senate.

Championed the passage of legislation to strengthen the Safe Haven Laws in Wisconsin, which offer further support to parents and their children.

Undertook a statewide effort to educate on the possibility of a “Post-Roe Wisconsin” and the necessary legislative response.

Sent 1,125 targeted emails to elected officials from Wisconsinites in support of the Safe Haven Law and other pro-life bills, and in opposition to Planned Parenthood receiving COVID relief funds.

Issued 23 co-sponsorship memos and press releases.


Conducted an audit of all finances and produced monthly financial statements and analyses for all entities of WRTL.

Responded to thousands of information requests by mail, email, and phone.

Integrated the use of technology for all staff to work remotely if needed.

Wisconsin Abortion Numbers

The number of Wisconsin lives saved, cumulatively, from abortion since 1987 is over 201,308.

Abortions in Wisconsin increased in Wisconsin in 2019 by 207 abortions. (most recent data)

Wisconsin’s abortion ratio is 10.1 abortions for every 100 births. The national abortion ratio is 18.6 abortions for every 100 live births. (most recent data)

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